Step 4: Filing patent application
Attorney fees for filing patent application : generally there is no professional fees charged for patent filing patent application (provided fees is paid for patentability search and patent drafting )
There are many things needed to consider before giving an exact fees amount, as it depends on a number of sheets in the patent specification, a number of claims etc. but below are approximate costing for this stage.
official filing fees for patent application in Japan is ¥14,000
The outcome of this step that is filing patent application is :
- You receive a receipt for filing patent application JPO with invention title, your name along with time and date of filing.
- Now, your patent application have secured a priority date for your invention, which makes you less worried about the confidentiality and safety of your invention.
- The patent application will be taken to subsequent steps requests and fees submitted as per standards.
Filing patent application | Responsibilities | |
Inventor | ![]() | reviewing patent application and signing formalities (power of attorney) |
Patent agent or attorney | ![]() | preparing patent application for filing. recommending best filing route and options for international patent application (if required). |
Patent office | ![]() | receive patent application and provide the receipt along with date and time of filing the patent application. |
Next article Step 5: Publication of patent application
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