Patent co-operation treaty (PCT) application
A PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) application is an international patent application filed under the treaty. It enables simultaneous patent protection in multiple countries through a single application, delaying the need for individual national filings. It offers a centralized system, giving applicants extra time to choose countries for patent protection.
Patent co-operation treaty (PCT) application :
As explained earlier patents are territorial. that means if you have a patent for your invention in India you cannot stop someone from making using selling offering for sale or importing your patented invention in some other country, that is other than India.
Now obviously you want to go for as many countries as possible to protect your invention.
If you go by the Convention application way (that is by Paris convention) you need to file patent applications in all countries of your interest within 12 months from the date of filing of patent application in your home country.
The Paris Convention is an international treaty that allows applicants to file the first application in their home country. And within 12 months period, a further application called a Paris Convention application could be filed at desired countries.
Now for example you selected 10 countries to file your patent application, can you imagine the simultaneous workload? doing all the steps in all the countries of your interest like replying to objections, request for examinations, translating your patent application into different languages, and ultimately professional charges of patent agents and attorneys involved at different patent offices… and all this happening simultaneously !!!
this is what would happen if you take the convention route for international filing of your patent application. to avoid such chaotic condition expenses and additional workload patent cooperation treaty created.
“PCT is administered by World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO, and it’s primary objective is to provide a system where you need to make only one patent application which would be searched by at least one International search authority and examined by at least one selected International Preliminary Examination Authority IPEA”
It is important to remember that pct does not provide the grant of patent it only facilitates a single application that would be taken from searching to the examination stage centrally and which would be applicable for all the signatory countries in pct. Currently, the number of countries associated with PCT are 152.

when you file an International patent application to pct Unlike the previous (convention application) option, your international patent application is valid for all 138 member countries of PCT (that is up to the international phase) and here you have about 30 to 31 months of time to decide whether to enter into the national phase of the country of the interest. This decision depends on the international search and examination report. India joined pct membership on the 7th of December 1998.
For fees and patent professional charges for PCT (international patent filing ) Refer to “Important tables charts and references”
Advantages of PCT for International Patent application
advantages of pct application over Paris convention:
- The pct provides the most effective and most economic way of filing a patent application in multiple countries
- It enables the application to file a single patent application with a single patent office in a single language having an effect in each country which is signatory with PCT.
- The application is searched by international search authority
- It provides a formal examination of the international application by an international preliminary examination authority
- centralized International Publication of international patent application
- reduced load on patent officers by taking international patent application through searching and examination before entering into the national phase
The international phase is the phase during which the international patent application is published, search, and examined before entry in the designated country (that is national phase)
The national phase is the phase when the International patent application enters in the countries of interest. The international patent application is searched and examined by National patent offices and its granted or rejected