Step 8: Grant of patent / Notice of Allowance
If the examiner determines that your application is in satisfactory condition and meets the requirements, you will receive a Notice of Allowance.
The notice of allowance will list the issue fee and may also include the publication fee that must be paid prior to the Patent being issued. The patent grant is mailed on the issue date of the patent.
The patent is issued in the name of the United States under the seal of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and is either signed by the Director of the USPTO or is electronically written thereon and attested by an Office official. The patent contains a grant to the patentee, and a printed copy of the specification and drawing is annexed to the patent and forms a part of it.
Description | Fee | Small Entity Fee | Micro Entity Fee |
Utility issue fee | $1200 | $480 | $240 |
Grant of patent | Responsibilities | |
Inventor | ![]() | patent is granted to you. By paying issue fee you get right to exclude others from using, selling offering for sale, importing your patented invention |
Patent agent or attorney | ![]() | Inform inventor / applicant about procedures, renewals and communication to USPTO after grant of patent |
Patent office | ![]() | Grant the patent for invention or reject the patent based on response to objections raised. Giving Notice of Allowance |
Patent Maintenance Fees
Description | Fee | Small entity fee | Micro entity fee |
For maintaining an original or any reissue patent, due at 3.5 years | 2,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 500.00 |
For maintaining an original or any reissue patent, due at 7.5 years | 3,760.00 | 1,880.00 | 940.00 |
For maintaining an original or any reissue patent, due at 11.5 years | 7,700.00 | 3,850.00 | 1,925.00 |
refer to the section about patent maintenance fees on USPTO link here